Saturday, July 26, 2014

Oh how far We've come

Not that long ago I would have received a text message from the ex like I did today & I would instantly be taken back to the meek, scared, insecure person that I found myself as at the end of our relationship. Today I realized that's not me anymore. That doesn't stop him from trying & trying harder to get to me but I recognize his ploys & am strong enough to stand up to him.

Recent events have literally put my kids at danger & I'm not allowing it to happen any more. Perhaps that's where my motivation to be assertive and not allow his toxicity to get to me.

I'm so proud of myself for the things I've done lately. Well lately being the last year or so lol. I work very hard at being and having a consistent and stable environment for Kevin & Liana to have. It isn't always easy to turn a deaf ear to the mean & hurtful things he says but today I did it! Perhaps the kids will take a cue & tell him to fuck off when he cuts them down the way he has.

Everyone possesses the power inside of them to stand up for themselves & not allow anyone to hurt them emotionally. The trick is to find & tap into the power then build on it to achieve greatness. I know people get annoyed or defensive of the motivational sayings I have been posting of late however I am trying to become the best version of me & this is the process that is working for me right now. I'm sorry if you don't like it however this is what it is right now.

Life fly's by so quickly that there isn't time to focus on the negativity. Growth for me is coming now that I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm enjoying every step of this journey & intend yo continue doing so.