Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blue Ribbon winner???

My good friend Elizabeth A.K.A. Darling (said in the Queens proper English) always says everything's better after a cup of tea. I have found recently how true that is. Oftentimes in the afternoon I feel as if I should just punch people in the throat and get on with it. As you know I think the world would be a much better place if 1. More people watched the Golden Girls, although lately I am in love with Modern Family. 2. If you could just give people a quick jab in the throat to cure what ails them. It really isn't prudent to go around punching people in the throat and would cause way bigger problems. Historically I would grab a handful of chocolates or something and be done with it. Now however that is counterproductive to my goals.  So I have take Darlings advice and begun sipping an afternoon tea. She is right and it does hit your reset button.

I got to thinking how wonderful Darling has been. She always cheers our office up and Mondays and Tuesdays are so much fun with her. Not to mention she is always a sounding board and just a level headed friend. I thought it would be nice to do a little gesture to show her how much I appreciate her.  The clear choice would be some glasses as she is always loosing hers however I wanted something different.

I decided I would try my hand at making some sort of tea biscuit or cookie for her.  I found a quick and easy recipe calling for only 3 ingredients and decided I would whip them up last night.

The directions said to mix well and that the mixture will be flaky. At that time you are supposed to kneed the mix until no longer flaky. I pounded and turned and that crap never stopped being flaky. So I tweaked it and added a little water and started the process of beating it again. Finally I had a ball that stayed together long enough for me to roll it out, cut and bake.

They look pitiful. I rolled one pan to thin so it burnt. These are not blue ribbon winners.

I think I will just go to Wegmans and buy Darling some tea cookies and tell her how much I appreciate her.

This afternoon I am going to try homemade dog biscuits though. Hopefully with better success.