Monday, February 10, 2014

Surprise thats healthy

I had a moment of shock this Saturday when Liana and her friend came downstairs in the morning and asked me to drive them to the store to get Oreos. When I said no she kind of got mad. I understand there are some days you just need an Oreo or something however I know there are better ways to handle that and in that moment I realized I have been basically doing my transformation alone when I should have been including the family more.

So my mission for Saturday (remember 2014 is my mission not intermission), was to cook clean all day and have the family enjoy it.

First up I made some homemade chicken soup. They love that when I make it. Only this time I made my own stock rather than use store bought with all of the sodium and additives. Jeff said the only thing it was missing were dumplings so he whipped up a batch. At this point I hadn't planned on them wanting those so I made a mental note that next time I would try finding a clean recipe for biscuits or something.

After that I thought why not try a snack the kids would like. Kevin is always hiking or doing something physical. Liana always has a sweet tooth.

I decided to make some protein bites. They consisted of natural peanut butter, vanilla protein powder, oats, chia seeds,  dash of salt. I mixed it all up and waited for the kids to get home to sample my secretly healthy snack.

Liana and her friend didn't like them at all. Kevin isn't sure how to feel about them yet and Tonia liked them a little. I loved them of course.

I tried using the same ingredients above and smooshing a banana and some cinnamon chips. None of the kids will try them.

I'm not going to give up though. I will slowly convert them over to clean eating at my house. They already do at their dads.

Meanwhile I think I'll ask Brian about these protein bites as part of my weekly meal plan. They ate yummy and the only thing not on my plan is the chia seeds.