Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today was my first day back at work after an extra long weekend. It was nice to be back in my normal routine and I stayed busy all day. It rained off and on all day so I kept running ideas over in my head of what project I could work on this evening deciding finally on the ever dreaded housework. That's actually a goal for later in the year, to learn a way to like housework however tonight I wanted to dig.

Luckily for me after dinner the rain stopped. I went out to check my beautiful garden only to find out half of my landscaping tarp had blown off. I held it in place with rocks when I initially placed it intending to go later to secure it in a more stable fashion. Then the rain started.

I tried (half-assed) to put it back into place but I wasn't able to line it back up correctly so I wadded the mess up and said to heck with it I will just weed half of it. As I sit here typing I realize I did not secure the other half because you see I have this little problem of getting distracted. As I stowed the black heap I realized a flat of flowers were still waiting to be planted out front. So I went to check on them and started weeding the existing flower bed. The flowerbed that has been neglected for years....

That of course led me to weed around  the side of the house to where I was struck by the idea of putting a new flowerbed.

Remembering the existing flowerbed I wandered back out to resume weeding. I discovered three well rooted trees about 4 1/2 feet tall.  It was hot and muggy and sweat was pouring off of me but I managed to dig those f***ERS out while still wearing flipflops.

Although I was pretty proud of myself my attention quickly shifted to the sidewalk. I worked until it was to dark to see on 1 piece of that stupid sidewalk.

Point of all of this rambling....

1- I should have secures the tarp

2- I probably would have gotten more done if I would have planned and / or made a list

3- neglect over the years have created much more work for me now. Well neglect or half assed  work or new projects.

4- I am having a ton of fun working on these new things.