Monday, December 22, 2014

Take two (or rather twenty)

Well I've been working hard for over a year to get healthy. I've made some huge changes like dropping over fifty pounds, getting my health in check, finding my confidence, basically trying to become the best version of me. Along the way I have had some minor set backs and have had to start over several times. The last few weeks I find myself at that place where I need to start over again. It pisses me off in all honesty. I know better yet here I am eating crap and lots of it.

I know I can't undo what I've done so I guess I can only try to learn from this and move on. There is no really reason why I'm here again. Mentally I feel better than I have in a long time. For some reason I felt as if I needed to celebrate my birthday. I had lots of "junk" in celebration of my turning 40. Then I just had to eat all of the stuff patients brought in. Here I am 4 pounds up and feeling like crap.

So here I am again reevaluating and restarting. I just need to remind myself that the little tastes and bites really don't taste that good and considering how it makes feel its so not worth it. So if I see you over the next few weeks and I decline your offering of goodies please don't be offended. This is not just a fad I'm going through but my life.

Maybe one of these times I'll get it right.