Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Being accountable

So today is day two of being back on program or whatever you want to call it. Yesterday I was 100% on followed by one of the most challenging workouts I've had in a long time. Today I've been great however I am struggling with my water.

I guess I'm not a good communicator. My last post was meant to be like a recommitment to my health and I do best when I am public about it. I wasn't trying to whine or look for any compliments or blah blah blah. Just was trying to own up to the fact that I spiralled into a place I didn't want to be and that I recognised that and was ready to move on. When I said I needed a goal I meant a fitness goal, something to work towards to help motivate me.

I love and am so thankful for the love and support everyone gave me. I did decide I would start hiking local trails and build up endurance and climb whiteface mountain. I also applied and was accepted to Excelsior College for my RN.

Even though people have expressed how the hiking and climbing thing is a bad idea I thought it was awesome. The problem with both goals is that I just found out I'm going to need to use the money I have saved up for the enrollment fee for school and the trip to the Adirondacks to pay a couple of unforseen bills. Oh well I'll just push them back a little more. (Goals not bills)

Bottom line is I need to work on my communication skills, and my ass and thighs hurt so bad right now I can barely walk up the stairs. Its a good feeling though. 

Tonight at Wegmans I found it easy to fly through due to the fact there was a screaming toddler that could be heard throughout the store making the hair on my neck stand up. Blood curdling screams. Nothing extra made it into my cart :)

Happy Tuesday!!!