I've had psoriasis for as long as I can remember. Some years I was clear some years not. It bothered my psychologically but never physically until now. Just over a month ago I experienced the worst outbreak of my life. Up until that time I had never had the itch. That is no longer the case. Out of deaspiration I went to the dermatologist & agreed to try a medication the suppresses the immunosystem. That ended badly and I sought a different dermatologist. I continue to take the medication along with a cream and I am miserable!
I take the med on Monday mornings. By Tuesday afternoon I get a few spots that Itch. By Wednesday night I am miserable. Its not an itch like when you get a mosquito bite. It's like an itch coming from the inside out. No matter how hard you try you just can't "reach" it so you constantly scratch until it hurts. No matter how hard you try to resist the urge to scratch you can't. Focusing on anything else is useless as eventually the insistent itch takes over every other thought. Thursday morning I wake to hot, inflamed skin that hurts and feels as if it will stretch right off my body. Oh and still itchy.
I've tried everything known to help, aloe, oatmeal, vitamins, creams, lotions, foods, drinks..... Nothing stops this process.
I am at the end of my rope here with this. I can not take one more minute of this process. I'm defeated and feel hopeless about this situation so I thought I'd open up to others. Maybe someone knows of something or someone that has gotten relief that I haven't tried. Or knows of a practitioner that isn't just trying the same steroidal creams and medications. Basically at this point I'm willing to try just about anything.
To date I have tried evey cream & lotion available with & without a script, methotrexate, acupuncture, massage therapy, light therapy, lots & lots of home remedies that would amaze most. I'm literally desperate here :(