I just can't take it any more. I am sure if people could see themselves acting this way nonstop they would be mortified. Although perhaps not. Its not right and it makes for l o n g days. I've waited for so long for the proper people to step up and fix the problem because it wouldn't be right for me to do it. Wouldn't that mean that I myself would be judging someone? Judging someone who judges is probably just as wrong.

So I am choosing no to look at it like that (my rationalization). I prefer to think of it as standing up for someone or protecting someone. I silently think inside my head things like "if it wasn't for that person taking those RX pain meds they wouldn't be able to work then you'd do nothing but bitch about them being on the system." As well as other comments that put it back to them. However most of the "Judgers" probably would just judge my comment and attitude rather than see what they are doing. If someone brought to my attention that I was behaving that way about people or a group of people (especially given the fact I work in health care, where I see people at the most vulnerable) I would be mortified and hope my mother slapped the piss out of me for acting such a way.
Everybody has a story. Everybody has a history that they bring forth that causes them to act or react a certain way. I understand that. It just hurts my feelings that we as a society still feel the need to put others down just because we don't want to take the time to understand anything about them. Or to make our own selves feel better. Why can't we learn from history and support people and lift them up? Why is it so difficult for someone the give an Atta Boy rather than emphasize weaknesses? I don't get this.

Sometimes good things do happen to good people. Its more often we hear that good things happen to bad people or that bad things happen to good people. Whats the definition of good and bad? Perhaps its individual. Perhaps if you believe you have done something bad then you have and just because its bad to you does not mean its bad to someone else. For example in my opinion constantly putting someone down is bad, however in others it might be justified. Therefore if I put someone down I am doing bad things. It then makes me a bad person. Karma could turn its ugly head to me. If the next person thinks its not that bad Karma might still get them however they would see it as a bad thing happening to a good person? We all have our story.
I guess ultimately everyone faces similar situations. I am just venting because I am not wanting to do my ethics homework and today was the final straw in what has been months building. I have come close to punching someone in the froat and for real I nearly did it today. Thats my problem not theirs. I need to focus on building my own strengths and leave my weaknesses alone. I'm looking to become someone spectacular and wasting my time worrying about what others think of others is counterproductive. So tonight I choose to let it go another day and challenge my friends that are going through similar issues to do the same. Perhaps it will all work out in the end as it usually does.
Tonight I vow to rise above the negativity and try my best to let it slide right off me, to be an advocate to those that are bullied and not participate in any of the gossip that is hurtful. I am choosing to support people and help them become the best they can be by emphasizing their strengths and helping them overcome their weaknesses and barriers. And finally I vow not to punch that annoying, hypocritical, judgmental, holy-er-than-thou, bat shit crazy freak & her friend even though I want to and I'm badass enough to do it.