Thursday, May 30, 2013

Expecting different results

Last night I mentioned that I had forgotten to secure the black tarp after half of it blew off. Tonight when I got home the remaining half blew off... brilliant I know.

Today was late start Thursday which means I didnt have to be at work until 11. So I worked a little on the front yard then went to work. Late start Thursday means late end Thursday.  I barely made it home by 8 and by the time I got outside it was almost dark so all I really did was work a little soil in what is going to be my new flowerbed.  I feel a little disappointed I wasn't able to get more accomplished.

Someone asked me today what my blog was about. The truth is I have no idea. I am a shy person (hard to believe I know)  but I really am. I usually don't do things that I am not already sure how the outcome is and let's face it I have gotten kind of bored lately. When the kids go to their dads or are off with their friends I have to have something interesting to do. So I have decided to try something new each week. My boss told me today this might be a little aggressive but I think its manageable. Basically the things I start are going to need follow through or something and I consider that new as well. For example the garden. All new. Preparing, planting and growing are all new to me. So I could have several weeks worth of new things just in the garden.

Who knows maybe I will only keep it up for a bit but for now I am committed to growing and learning.

I am shooting in the dark with most of this so I welcome any suggestions or feedback.

The sky is the limit. If I can imagine it and afford it I think I will give it a try.

For tonight I am going to take my allergy filled self and try to hit the hay without coughing my head off all night.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today was my first day back at work after an extra long weekend. It was nice to be back in my normal routine and I stayed busy all day. It rained off and on all day so I kept running ideas over in my head of what project I could work on this evening deciding finally on the ever dreaded housework. That's actually a goal for later in the year, to learn a way to like housework however tonight I wanted to dig.

Luckily for me after dinner the rain stopped. I went out to check my beautiful garden only to find out half of my landscaping tarp had blown off. I held it in place with rocks when I initially placed it intending to go later to secure it in a more stable fashion. Then the rain started.

I tried (half-assed) to put it back into place but I wasn't able to line it back up correctly so I wadded the mess up and said to heck with it I will just weed half of it. As I sit here typing I realize I did not secure the other half because you see I have this little problem of getting distracted. As I stowed the black heap I realized a flat of flowers were still waiting to be planted out front. So I went to check on them and started weeding the existing flower bed. The flowerbed that has been neglected for years....

That of course led me to weed around  the side of the house to where I was struck by the idea of putting a new flowerbed.

Remembering the existing flowerbed I wandered back out to resume weeding. I discovered three well rooted trees about 4 1/2 feet tall.  It was hot and muggy and sweat was pouring off of me but I managed to dig those f***ERS out while still wearing flipflops.

Although I was pretty proud of myself my attention quickly shifted to the sidewalk. I worked until it was to dark to see on 1 piece of that stupid sidewalk.

Point of all of this rambling....

1- I should have secures the tarp

2- I probably would have gotten more done if I would have planned and / or made a list

3- neglect over the years have created much more work for me now. Well neglect or half assed  work or new projects.

4- I am having a ton of fun working on these new things.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rainy day project

Today in Western NY its raining on my last day of vacation so I can't work on my flower garden.

I did a little research last night and found out that tomatoes need calcium to help them grow. Apparently you can take eggshells, wash them up, crush them and put them at the base of the plants to help grow.

So I made eggs for the kiddos this morning. Washed the eggs and crushed them up.  When the rain stops I will put them by the plants and see what happens.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Breaking Ground

This weekend I decided to plant a garden.  Growing up we had a garden and when I was married we had a garden. In both cases I had little to do with it. I planted a couple of things a few years back but after they were planted I got bored or to critiqued and let it go.

See I have this problem when people imply I might not know what I am doing or that I am not doing it good enough I usually stop doing it.

Not any more!

The new me is trying all kinds of things. Hopefully some of them work.

Yesterday I decided to plant and expand my garden.  I had the neighbor come over and till up a new spot and spent the day picking sod, rocks and raking.

Today Liana and I went and bought plants and seeds.  Came home and laid the black tarp stuff that prevents weeds and got to work planting. 

Although I was interrupted a million times and people said I planted to close together I finished.

Cross your fingers it grows :)